Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to my first day on the job.

I sit here now in my little apartment spending my days dreaming of my own photography business, eating lots of ramen noodles and studying for tests. The past two weeks have been a cycle of working (at the Melting Pot as a fondue specialist) and studying. Today, I found out I am going to be interning/assisting an Orlando photographer named Kristen Wheeler. I am so excited to start off onto this exciting new experience.
A little bit of a background on who I am and how I got here. I was a creative kid, always. I went through high school just like every other kid did, then I got to college and someone was like, "here's an application, oh and by the way the major you pick is what you're going to do forever." The major I chose was.... well lets just say the people in the office responsible for the 'change of major' forms knew my name.
On my journey to discover what the heck it was I wanted to do forever and ever, I spent some time working in the Winter Park ER. I thought I wanted to be a Physician's assistant, but after working in the ER for about a year's time I aborted the mission towards that goal. I realized I didn't want to see people in pain.
While I was working in the ER I was also babysitting my two cousin's, Jacob (he's five) and Rylie (she's three). I would always bring my camera along with me and snap photos of them all day. I eventually connected the two together and have been running down the path towards owning my own photography business ever since. I intend to blog my way through an entire summer of trying to build, learn, grow, and have fun.